Sunday, June 12, 2011

sorry...can you repeat the question??

Still here and kickin'...more than half way through this challenge. Have to say that I have a few things that I can be proud of and have been doing well. First, water...I have been getting my daily water intake, half my body weight in ounces. Second, exercise...Last week I got my 10 miles plus daily Turbo workouts. This week we did a lot of walking in Boston and got Turbo workouts in and two Bootcamp sessions, so check on the exercise.
So how about food??...I'm sorry, can you repeat the question?? I dont think I understand the question...
Ok, ok so food has not been great. Two days in Boston at the beginning of the week set things off...supportive eating in Boston, isnt that an oximoron?? Well it kind of opened up the flood gates. And if you have read my past posts I have said that exercise without supportive eating is a waste of time. It pretty much went out the window this week but I plan on being right back to it this coming week. So keep on truckin'!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A pat on the back

I have to start by saying that I am actually....wait for it....wait for it...PROUD of myself for this week! I very rarely say anything like that or feel that way about myself. Its much easier and more comfortable to give praise rather than receive it. I have to admit it feels pretty good:)
So I set a couple of goals for myself this week and I reached both of them!
First I set a goal of jogging/walking 10 miles this week. Monday I got 4 miles in because I went for a 2 mile jog than a 2 mile walk with my kids. Tuesday-Friday after school myself and a couple of lovely and supportive colleagues got together and did a TurboFire DVD then went out and jogged the CornField Mile. I did some laps around the track before and after to meet the 10 mile goal but I did it! By Friday we were feeling really good, not just physically but mentally. We were just super appy that we got in 5 straight days of exercise.
My second goal was to drink the required amount of water every day...for those who are not sure what that might be, its half your body weight in ounces. So if you weigh 200lbs, you drink 100 ounces of water per day. It was a challenge...actually take that really wasnt bad because I had one bottle that was about 32 ounces and I knew how many I had to fill and drink. It was easy to keep track of. And I got in every ounce if not more, especially on those 2 scorching days mid week.
Eating was pretty good. The closest to 90% compliance I have been in awhile.
There are about 6 weeks left in this 90 day challenge and I want to be in a good position to do warp speed in another week or so. If I cant do 90% compliance then warp speed (100%) will be impossible. So my goals this week are going to be very similar.
We are going to Boston with our 5th graders Monday and Tuesday so I will stick to 90% compliance as much as I can. Exercise goals will be the same. 10 miles-we do alot of walking when we are there so I have no doubt I will get 2 miles per day in. And water will be the same as long as I use my same strategy of using my one bottle and keeping track with that.
Have a great week!