Thursday, May 19, 2011


Self sabotage to be more specific. Hopefully I spelled that correctly:) When I think of sabotage I think of someone deliberately $%@#ing things up for themselves or for someone else. For me, I have no one to blame but myself.
Let me explain...I have been "stuck" at a plateau for seriously about a year. Since I finished the Mooser competition I have not lost a pound more. I think my body has still changed and toned but scale-wise...nada, zip, zilch. I have gained about 10 lbs back and have been yo-yoing with the other 5 but a plateau in every sense of the word. And when i think about why I have only one person that I can hold responsible...ME. I fell like I have been doing a pretty good job with exercise. On a scale of one 1 to 10, probably a 7 or so. It's WAY more than I used what's the problem then you ask? FOOD!! That's what. Again, compared to what I was eating a couple of years ago, I eat much better. And I am trying to eat 90% supportive...easier said than done. I have found that I dont seem to have that little voice that shouls tell me to put the bad stuff back or walk away. Actually, I take that back...I do have that voice but it's only a whisper that happens like once as I am thinking about eating a cookie or two. It's not a strong voice at all and is easly overpowered by the much louder voice that is justifying eating the cookie. I feel like one of those cartoons where the angel pops up on one shoulder and the devil on the other and their arguing back and forth about what I should do...only the angel hardly ever wins.
Why is this so important??? Because I worked my ass off when I exercise...I give it my all. I also try my hardest to get 5-6 days of exercise in a week. I feel like I have been successful with that. But its all for nothing if I cant get the food thing down. I am great during the day at work but it all goes out the wondow once I am home. Supper I am usually pretty good but its the time from after supper til bed...I'm talking like an hour or so!! But its a big deal if you're shoveling in crap right before bed when your body is recovering. 80% of your weight loss success comes from nutrition and eating properly. You can lose weight just by eating supportively. I personally wouldnt recommend it because you need to build muscle by exercising and that muscle will help burn more fat and keep it off. But again, its all for nothing if you're not eating supportively.
So, I need to work on getting that whisper much louder or helping the angel win way more often. I KNOW that is why I have been stuck. I am good for about a week and things start to peter out. I need to work on my follow through...MAN ain't that the truth! That applies to so many parts of my life right now!
Game on!

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