Wednesday, May 25, 2011

week 5

The last couple of weeks have seemed to drag but now that I'm into week 5, I am like "Whoah! Already??" I'm still plugging along. I am still feelinglike for some reason I am not taking this as serioulsy as I thought I would...I dont know if its because its 90 days and I am one of those people who think "oh I still have 80 days, I'll do better tomorrow" And its gonna bite me in the ass.
The lovely scale is once again doing its yo-yo thing and I'm sure its due to my food intake. Even though I am following 90% compliance, its still really hard. That little devil part to my conscience is still winning alot of the time. Why cant I realize that I am NOT one of those people who can eat whatever I want?! I'm also a justifier...yeah you know what I'm talking about. "I worked out so I can eat this" Yeah if you want to undo all the hard work you just did. See I can talk the talk but I need to seriously practice walking the walk.
I am going to no wait let me rephrase that. I AM GOING TO start using again to help track my food. It's a free online food/exercise journal. Once you put the food in, it calculates your % of protein, calories, fat, etc for the day and displays them in charts and such. I know that I do much better when I am tracking my food intake. I need to face the fact that I cant just wing it.
On a more positive note (as I feel like the last couple of posts have been me bashing myself) I did the retest for the bootcamp challenge and was pretty happy with my results.

Pullups-I couldnt do one, even assisted at the beginning and I still couldnt. They look so easy when others do them but its really not. And its not about your arm strength at all really. Its your abs, back, shoulders and arms all working together. I'll keep working on them:)
Pushups- I did 10 on my toes to start and I wanted 15 on my retest but got 14. Nothing to sneeze at considering that it took me awhile to even be able to do 1 on my toes.
Burpees- My least favorite exercise...I had 27 in 2 minutes to start and I wanted 40 for my retest. I got 37. I was going at a really good pace for the first minute but after that my legs felt like someone had filled them with lead and I could hardly move them. If I could have kept my pace, I would have smoked my number BUT I am still proud that I improved. I really need to start giving myself credit for things. I dont do that enough.
Have a great hump day!!! And yes I mean mid-week geez get your minds out of the gutter:)

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